by jimwall | Feb 18, 2014 | Uncategorized
by Jim Wall No matter where you live in the world, there are more people around you who are not part of a God-loving, Bible-believing Christian church than are. The numbers are staggering. Less than 30% of Americans attend church on a given weekend, less than 20% of...
by jimwall | Nov 27, 2012 | Uncategorized
by Jim Wall This week we are pondering the question, “What can denominations do to support cell-based churches within their ranks?” The answer to that question is myriad. Denominational leaders can choose to value diverse styles of ministry at the local...
by jimwall | Nov 20, 2012 | Uncategorized
by Jim Wall This month we’ve been interacting about the problems a cell-based church might face when aligned with a denomination that doesn’t understand cell ministries. The contributors to this blog have been honest about those problems and offered a...
by jimwall | Nov 13, 2012 | Uncategorized
by Jim Wall In order for a cell-based church to thrive within a denominational context, the denomination has to allow the local church to develop its own ministry structures; i.e. local autonomy. Unfortunately, that often isn’t enough. I was in a denomination...
by jimwall | Nov 6, 2012 | Uncategorized
by Jim Wall Denominations are usually born out of revival. Sometimes the revival is sparked through the efforts of an apostolic leader like John Wesley and the Methodists. Other times churches unite around a common vision to accomplish the Great Commission. Whatever...
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